Foster Parent Testimonial


We received this heartwarming testimonial from Ms. Debra Bridges, one of Apelah’s longest-running foster parents. Ms. Bridges is the adoptive mother of 8-year-old Dominique Bridges, who came to Apelah at the age of three and was bedridden, had severe brain damage, and was unable to talk, walk, or speak due to shaken baby syndrome that occurred at age 2. We will share Dominique’s story very soon, but we wanted to showcase Ms. Bridges’ amazing testimony because it speaks so loudly and clearly about the love and dedication it takes to be an Apelah foster parent. We hope you enjoy Ms. Bridges’ touching words as much as we did!

My name is Debra Bridges. I have been an adoptive parent for 15 years. My passion to help others and provide guidance ignited the fire in me to open my heart and my home to children in foster care. I’m a respite provider with the Partners in Permanency (PIP) post-adoption program. I strongly believe that God placed children in my life so I could help them. I have two boys of my own, and am the adoptive parent of three others. I am so proud of myself and believe that, with God on my side, I will continue caring for and loving these precious children.