“People will say they we are such a blessing to the children, but really it’s more that they are a blessing to us,” Chauncey said.
Read MoreAs of Dec. 5, 137 children were in custody in DeSoto County with Child Protection Services, out of more than 4,100 statewide.
Read MoreA chamber luncheon’s keynote speaker shared a personal testimony of his family fostering, then adopting twin boys.
Read MoreThe rewards gained from carrying Ryley O’Bryan home from the hospital in 2021 made for an easy choice. Charles and Bea McDaniel’s charitable lifeline, they knew, was in exchange for a lifetime.
Read MoreNoting that the Mississippi Department of Child Protective Services (CPS) has around 4,000 children in custody – 179 alone in Lee County, the need to find foster homes is increasingly vital.
Read MoreDoctors at the hospital told the couple to prepare for the baby’s funeral. “That was hard, but what was supposed to be the end of the story was only the beginning.”
Read MoreSome of the regulars know that every single cent visitors pay for a Bingo card funds a foster family support for special needs foster children in Mississippi run by the non-profit Apelah.
Read MoreSince 2018, Mississippi has experienced a 5.88% increase in children aging out of the foster care system. Many of these children leave without any guidance to know how to open a bank account, understand how to obtain a place to live or how much they would need to make to afford a place to live.
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